Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Industrial Revolution and the Human Cradle

Since the beginning, Our mother earth was perfectly equipped to serve all beings in their needs… she had such profound knowledge her self had the ability to evolve for the well beings of her children… as a perfect example from harsh winters to glowing sweet summer mornings, for many thousands of years her children which we today calls “life” lived in harmony with all their love for the cradle which they came from, and their love towards the mother. From all of her children she had one special child which is us the human kind she cared the most… but for the well being of our own kind we have started a revolution… a revolution which we call the “industrial revolution” in search for all possibilities beyond what earth and nature it self could provide for us, blindly causing mass destruction to our mother, our brothers and sisters. Humanity has crawled out from the web of life not knowing that they are just a mere strand of it… but thinking they are the supreme ruler of the entire web of life.

As the time goes on we felt that the destruction we blindly cause to our cradle has an adverse effect on our own kind… as retaliation of our own action we received worst starting from diseases to massive natural disasters.

It was too late to turn back and run in to the arms our mother… it was too late… humanity cannot go back to where it was because he does not remember the path that he came all the way. So humans understood the situation and they have tried a different approach which we today call as “Save the Environment”. It works… Return home journey seems still far for humanity but it is possible… the current industrial world is doing everything that is possible to minimize the damage caused by them to the nature. The journey to reunite with our mother has begun…

This is why we who are at “Sierra Ready-mix” do everything in a nature friendly way to minimize the environmental pollution to maximum possibility. We have built and planned our ready-mix factory in such a way that for the most it may not look like a factory at all. We have implement recycling technology to unlock the maximum potential of natural resources ensuring nothing goes to waste. We have also implemented the 5S method of organizing the entire factory and its workers so everything will co-operate with each other seamlessly. I am glad to be a part of “Sierra Team” because we who are at sierra has understood that we do not have two earths to live… we only have one… so save it… save its resources… the future of humanity depends on it.

Harsha A. Vithanage
National Tourist Guide Lecturer
2009 August 20

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